Well this week was a time for a good section of relaxing, which was well appreciated. Though all the snow on our winter break I find creatively ironic (especially since spring isn't till the end of the month and all).
But moving on we were asked this assignment involving spread sheets. (Screen shot from assignment description) I've had pervious training in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets so in personal experience it wasn't to hard to do *shrugs* but that may be just my personal experience with this particular assignment content.
Though I had to admit that i misread the problem the first time and made my graph per month instead of per year XD whoops but I changed it the next day after checking it off my never ending to do list (though never ending to do lists are a constant for everyone as I am told).
Anyway... for the Cells here are my formulas!
[ A& F ] 1 plus the previous cell
(ex. A3} = A2+1 )
[ G ] it is just $50 plus the previous week. (ex.G3 Cell} = G2+50 )
[ B ] Here is a slightly more complex one with fun $ signs. The $ signs make the equation stay with that individual cell and doesn't adjust as the set equations moves down the graph. (ex. B2} = D2+$B$2 )
[ C ] This is were the interest gets involved. (ex. C3} = B2*0.01 )
[ D ] Was the total so a basic addition equation :D ( ex. D2} =B2+C2 ) Tada!
The only real part of this assignment that was a bit frustrating was that interest usually gets calculated daily not yearly for a standard back account and then deposited monthly. But with the way that the work problem was done I went with the yearly option that I feel that was implied more.
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