Though I had to admit that i misread the problem the first time and made my graph per month instead of per year XD whoops but I changed it the next day after checking it off my never ending to do list (though never ending to do lists are a constant for everyone as I am told).
Anyway... for the Cells here are my formulas!
[ A& F ] 1 plus the previous cell
(ex. A3} = A2+1 )
[ G ] it is just $50 plus the previous week. (ex.G3 Cell} = G2+50 )
[ B ] Here is a slightly more complex one with fun $ signs. The $ signs make the equation stay with that individual cell and doesn't adjust as the set equations moves down the graph. (ex. B2} = D2+$B$2 )
[ C ] This is were the interest gets involved. (ex. C3} = B2*0.01 )
[ D ] Was the total so a basic addition equation :D ( ex. D2} =B2+C2 ) Tada!
The only real part of this assignment that was a bit frustrating was that interest usually gets calculated daily not yearly for a standard back account and then deposited monthly. But with the way that the work problem was done I went with the yearly option that I feel that was implied more.
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