Sunday, October 6, 2013

Tree, its a Tree without Pears

Date: 09/29/2013
Time: 10 a.m.
Pear Tree - Full
This pear tree is just past its season of harvesting and is heading into its own winter preparations like the surrounding trees.

Pear Tree - Leaves Close Up
Unlike may of its colorful cousins the tree's leaves simply die and fall off the stems as the season gets colder. Some fruit remains on the high branches and start to fall on their own time to the ground to rot and fertilize. 

Pear Tree - Minimal Fruit Remains

Mid Afternoon               

Around the pear tree its fellow trees start shedding their leaves. However the pear tree seems to be almost resilient in the slowly approaching winters deep in temperatures as the colder weather approaches. While its bothers shed their leaves in bright bold colors the pear tree is more simple keeping a hold of its green leaves. The leaves on the tree only show a slight brown and some decaying spots. On the top of the tree remaining  fruit continues its decay. 

Mid Afternoon

Now the weather is still strangely warm for October our little pear tree's leaves are starting to change color to slightly match its friends. But for the most part it has retained most of its foliage and the spots on the leaves has increased. The pear on the top of the tree has sunk partially onto the branch with decay.

Late Afternoon

The leaves on the tree have abandoned their attempts it seems to get to a bright color like the trees around it but to settle more into the brown and well, dark brown of its spots on its leaves. The leaves look close to purging from the tree as they crinkle and die from the branches of the tree. All the fruit has decayed and fallen upon the ground to be made into fertilizer for the tree for next year along with food for the animals around the area that are mainly squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs along with other small mammals and bugs.

Late Afternoon

The trees leaves have now turned a more bright yellow then its previous leafy classic green. the leaves brown/black spots has not increased but the amount of decaying leaves on the ground has increased. the leave count on the tree is lessened from approximation about 80% of its leaves. Other trees around this fruit tree have almost if not fully lost all their leaves. Fruit trees seem to keep their leaves much longer then its nut or only leaf cousins.

November 19, 2013
7 am

The tree now has shed all its leaves now in this late novermber. most of the leaves have been picked up and removed due to the residents in the home cleaning up the leaves in their yard.

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