Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 4 Popcorn! Math HW

          Liberation Math: Popcorn Challenge

This weeks homework challenge was to figure out which container would hold the most popcorn! (One of the few math assignments I've been able to eat after the experiment outside of grade school). The assignment was a definite way to make you think how the mass of a container could hold a different amount even though it made with the same amount of original substance before the container is formed.

I had originally thought that the containers would hold the same amount of popcorn because of that fact of the original paper is the same (though with the additional challenges I knew that it would not be so. So I gathered the equipment I felt was needed to process the information which included a food scale, paper folded, bowl and taped according to the diagram and of course the fluffy treat in question.

I put a bowl on the scale and zeroed it out and put the container in the bowl and filled it up to the top (the first one I personally did was the short and stout one) I lifted the paper out and let the popcorn fall into the bowl to get rid of the paper weight. The weight was 1 oz and so was recorded on to my scale. Ok, on to the next container, the tall and skinny model. I repeated the process and gained the result of .60 oz and I noticed while filling up the second container there may be a reason for this!

Upon filling up the container the pouffy popcorn filled up the space more because of the lack of space it could settle in unlike the larger more spaced container, eliminatory my dear Watson (what bad pun? Psh... what bad pun its a classic).

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