Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spicy BBQ Mayo Sauce Recipe

Spicy BBQ Mayo Sause
      Yes! I am also a bit of a foodie among being an computer artist person. I decided to take this chance to post a recipe of mine that I love to make . This is a simple four to five ingredient sauce of stuff that most people have their fridge and pantry. If you don't have the ingredients their not something that you will just use on this one recipe unlike many others that I've made (that that big jar of black strap molasses in my cabinet still).

I had originally tried to make a recipe to duplicate Red Robins sauce that comes with their onion ring tower (which is also very tasty) . However in my process like a few other recipes in attempts to duplicate another I end up with my own personalized recipe that may not taste just the same but is delicious in its own  way.

On to the making of the yummy sauce!

What you'll need is the following: 

Small Mixing Bowl
Funnel (optional) 
Dispensing Container (I love my sauce bottle, I actually got it at the dollar store!)


1/2 Cup BBQ Sauce  (I personally use Sweet Baby Rays, its a family fav but any sweet BBQ works)
1/2 Cup Mayo (Regular or Light Mayo is fine) 
1/2 TBS Hot Sauce
1 TSP Paprika
1 TBS Honey (Optional) (it helps cut the hotness for some and helps it be a little more kid friendly)

 - Combine  BBQ Sauce, Mayo, Hot Sauce, and Paprika in bowl and whisk till thoroughly combined.
- (Optional) Once fully combined add honey
- Chill for at least 2 hours before serving!

Since I don't burn though this stuff I tend to make this small batch more often.  If you love this recipe and want o make it for a party or more because you have a big family just double up and fill the bottle :D

Also if you do have a serving bottle like mine I highly recommend you use a funnel. My pour counter has gotten a facial more then once more twice with various sauses when I forget to use my funnel.

Monday, May 6, 2013

@_@ Unity, Clever girl....

             Unity... a clever creature in itself with the experience I have had with it so far. This little program has a lot more complicated punches then I had originally anticipated and sorta made my brain do a flop. Then it jumped right back up as I went giddy with complicated technology and a support to push my love for video games, level layouts, character design, and a load of other things lol. Unity is a good expression for my level and puzzle creativity that I like to express. In animation and art its one way to express it but with game designing o_o well my puzzle charts get a bit dummied down right now with trigger code since I am working with basic 2D scrollers (which are amazing in themselves). I am looking forward to when I can push my environments to be a free world environment for players to explore instead of going *arrow key this way or arrow key the other way*.
             So far I have been twisting my brain in delight after taking a Gaming Production 1 who was taught by the lovely Jane Kernan. I can't say enough kind words about her, she was a great person to learn from though the class. I benefitted alot from her being able to discuss the class as a teacher and as a fellow game designer (basically its nice to share conversations with a person who has gone though the same 'I need to learn this, why isn't the f*cking thing working' situations).
            Through the class I had the chance to work on two separate games, one being a self driven project and one being a group developed project. Which I will discuss in a later posting :D look forward to it!
           While me and others trudged though the program, while Jane was a huge help the online community is overly helpful and apparently other people get just as frustrated when its an error code of not working lol. Unity has this wonderful online community that people can post their issues and many people post, reply and help you though your issues. The online community can be found though this link: You will have to make an account with them. But as a normal online person I feel most people are use to getting the usual insert email and password here situation.
            If you want to get a sneak peek of the two in development games (Puppet Daddy & Darci's Undertaking) feel free to go to my home page where I have my portfolio and links where I have my art and ways of getting in contact with me.

Liberation Math; Math Resolve, the teaching environment and the teacher

        Ah, math anxieties and the society that supplies the angsts against the topic in general. When I was in grade school I didn't like math but I knew it was essential to pass school. I thought of grade school more of list of things I had to accomplish for a my high school diploma and kept that thought process though high school. The only thing that made me interested was art, something that was an extra something I didn't need to pass to get though highschool. Movies, animation, art was something that surpassed in and so I kept that now in college and will be my future career. Not everyone wants to be a mathematician or a scientist. I've seen many high schoolers pushed away from the arts or literature or history because they have been told the financial obligations of choosing that carreer. I was told by my guidance counselor that and I quote "Art is a horrible career". This just made my standard expression of 'realllllly' come into place. So then my next goal in my high school year was to find all the art colleges in my state and pursue the subject I was passionate in. I knew my academics were not that spot on so I was stunned why a counselor would push me into something I knew I wasn't interested in and something I knew I was going to fail at because I had 100% no interest in it.
Google Images o_o
        In grade school math was fluid for the most part until high school when teachers became easily flustered and didn't seem to be student orientated or they preferred one click over the other (yes teachers prefer some clicks over the others, le gasp). This teacher specifics in group children appreciation and non student friendly environments I remember more clearer then anything else in a classroom environment that was outside of my art themed classes.
        Over the progress of this college class it has pushed my thinking of how to teach my children when I have them or teach others in a classroom environment.
        Though now as an adult I have discovered that my love for technology has pushed me into understanding more complicated things then it would have been taught in a classroom. The people who teach online tutorials tend to put their lessons in interactive lessons and posses humor, unlike many wet blanket people I have met though high school.
        With this class I now know its possible to teach children in different manners that can be fun and not read out of a math book bore you to sleep kind of way. Children learn differently, there cannot be one way for everyone to learn to their max.
         Another thing I know is that all teachers shouldn't teach, yes a teacher can be awesome at their field but it doesn't mean that they get along with or have the patience for them or teaching other people in general.
         As a society we should expand our ways to teach our future generations along with how we teach our selves information and some subjects shouldn't be forced upon ur children to learn. If they are passionate about a subject let them fly and have fun.