Thursday, February 28, 2013

Liberation Math: Week 5: Working on Pamphlet Design

Production of a Book & Pamphlet

This week I have been put in charge of some light pamphlet and book designs consisting of both layout and content organization.  Hopefully I will be getting some additional assistance though this process. Doing a whole book and pamphlet production for something this big is manageable however time consuming in most of its parts.

When the class ensues on Monday I will do my best to have at least 3 of each options in at least color difference.

I have been looking at some Microsoft word templets but I find most of them corporate looking at very visually unappealing in an artist and a writers view. I will be making custom document in the progress of the week and possibly print it out. If the idea of the short weekly pamphlet is proceed I do recommend that the pamphlet should keep with in six pages no including the front and rear covers to which I assume will be a standard changed and shouldn't be altered.

Hopefully the future process will be the same organic process that we have been doing in the classroom environment but I ear that this will not be most productive for producing the web page or the book/pamphlet designs. If things are started to early things half the things us designers of both processes will have be rearranged and changed. i know this is something that I expect when working with a client on general however I feel that when  a client comes to someone even in these situations should have something a little more developed before production should be ensued...

However so far the process has gone smoothly. Next week I will post the options that I presented to the prof in class (if we got to that part and its not taken over my mass discussion again).

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 4 Popcorn! Math HW

          Liberation Math: Popcorn Challenge

This weeks homework challenge was to figure out which container would hold the most popcorn! (One of the few math assignments I've been able to eat after the experiment outside of grade school). The assignment was a definite way to make you think how the mass of a container could hold a different amount even though it made with the same amount of original substance before the container is formed.

I had originally thought that the containers would hold the same amount of popcorn because of that fact of the original paper is the same (though with the additional challenges I knew that it would not be so. So I gathered the equipment I felt was needed to process the information which included a food scale, paper folded, bowl and taped according to the diagram and of course the fluffy treat in question.

I put a bowl on the scale and zeroed it out and put the container in the bowl and filled it up to the top (the first one I personally did was the short and stout one) I lifted the paper out and let the popcorn fall into the bowl to get rid of the paper weight. The weight was 1 oz and so was recorded on to my scale. Ok, on to the next container, the tall and skinny model. I repeated the process and gained the result of .60 oz and I noticed while filling up the second container there may be a reason for this!

Upon filling up the container the pouffy popcorn filled up the space more because of the lack of space it could settle in unlike the larger more spaced container, eliminatory my dear Watson (what bad pun? Psh... what bad pun its a classic).

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 3: Shower Vs. Bath

Personally I feel that a bath would cause a less cost effective way to get clean. But it matters on a few different variables on how hot you want your shower or bath to be. How long said shower or bath would be as well.

With personal input if the measure of the output of the shower head to the spout in the tub I feel they push out water equally just one is more spread out then the other.

With person a taking a bath for a half hour would most likely waist less water then a person who took a shower the same length. However if a person popped in for a fifteen minute shower the same time in a bath would be equal to a lot of waisted water since the tub will have to be filled either way no matter how long the duration even if short.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Liberation Math: Week 2

Sheila Tobias, Overcoming Math Anxiety: Chapter 1

TEDxNYED Response:

I agree with what he was talking about in the video in regards to how we are teaching students. I personally found how math books use distracting images with all the non necessary information. If they had like one example problem of how this could be used it would be useful instead of using an picture for every problem. However with this some people learn best by visual examples. I am a personally a person who learns best buy data sheets, show me a video of how to do it or a list of how to process and I'm set.

With how he suggested how we use example with like the water jug it can be useful for the students to have a real life example and actual pictures that people can reference at a personal or 'home' level. With this its easier to students who over think problems to simplify them.

VIDEO: Did not work...

Week 1 Response to Math Sheet

         Ugh I am so rusty in math it isn't even funny at this point. Upon originally looking at this sheet of math I didn't think I'd have any problem of calculating it though. However upon going though the sheet I noticed I'm auto inclined to use a calculator in my thinking because its what I use from day to day life. I had to pause and think what three to the third power was and I felt bad because I had those drilled into my head back in grade school. I guess I'm just use to calculators and computers doing out the math for me I don' t even think about it that much anymore. I also notice that I over think problems to a painful point. there was a question regarding why a clerk got the price question incorrect, I auto thought if I had to do anything with the sales tax because I knew there was going to be funky decimals because the numbers might be weird. Over all the sheet was a good way for me to go back and realize how much I depend on technology to do the math for me and not myself.